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Sunday, 26 March 2017


*#💍MARRIAGE is HARD work!*

*I used to interpret the saying _"Marriage is not for small boys"_ to mean small boys in terms of age, until I visited a female mentor that has been in marriage for 47 years!*

*_I asked,_ 'So what is the secret of your over 47 years in marriage?!*

*Beaming, she retorted; _"My son, the expectations you bring into marriage will either spell its doom or success. I married my husband without expectations of enjoying his money or buying cars for me, but with time, my patience, hard work and God-fearing attitude yielded results of getting cars, houses, taking care of our children and all that!"_*

*"You see, if a married lady keeps on nagging in the house, she pushes the spirit of her husband from the home. If you make the man unhappy, you make the house ungovernable!"*

*_"So, I married without high expectations from my husband but simply to make him happy always!"_*

*"Yes, for the past 47 years, I would be the first to get up from bed and the last to go back to bed. I bath the kids, do devotions with them, prepare breakfast for my husband and boil hot water for him to bath. I iron his dresses he would take to work, kiss him and wish him the best in his daily endeavours!"*

*_I asked my old woman mentor,_ 'So then what does the man do in return?!*

*She laughed all heart and hearty and replied; _"You see, this is the mistakes you young ones make in marriage. YOU DO SOMETHING TO YOUR HUSBAND OR WIFE AND EXPECT SAME REWARD FROM HIM OR HER, THIS IS WRONG!"_*

*"When it becomes your attitude to always please your husband or wife, the other person responds back naturally. Indeed, if nothing touches the palm tree, it does not rattle!"*

*_She continued,_ *My son, never carry how rich or poor your family is into marriage. After all, you knew very well the status of your family and decided to marry that man or woman!"*

*_"Love only compels would be couples into marriage but it does not sustain marriage. Rather, understanding, patience, communication and most importantly, forgiveness sustain every marriage. High expectations are the symptoms of divorce in marriages!"_*

*"Sometimes you hear, I want to marry a mother, a business partner, GOD fearing person etc. You can not get all your expectations in one person. With time and depending on your relationship, you may get some. So minimise your expectations in marriage!"*

*_To cut the long story short, as too much cook spoil the broth, she concluded on the mistakes couple should resist at all cost in marriage:_*

*"1). Never say you have made your wife or husband somebody from a nobody. It hurts. The Sovereign GOD only use you as an Agent for transformation, give the Glory to the Almighty GOD!*

*_2). Let the man be Head financially, emotionally and physically and lead or exerts headship spiritually and the woman be diligent in the use of the tongue and very prayerful!_*

*3). Children are not the ultimate in marriage; they are given to enhance your marriage. When our Awesome GOD delays in giving you a child, have every reason to live a happy marital life!*

*_There has never been any automatic barrenness in a person. Abraham got Ishmael at age 86 but at age 100 and 90, he and Sarah eventually got their Isaac. Isaac had a barren family for 20 years but eventually got his twins; Jacob and Esau!_*

*4). Sex is a major morale booster after a hard day's stressful life. Try to be sexual beings and not _"Angels"_ in that marriage!*

*_5). Resort to the Omnipotent GOD often and less to men to solve your marital disputes!_*

*6). Let the women _"make up"_ their characters much more than they make up their body!*

*_Indeed, marriage is not for_ small boys _because_ small boys _struggle to forgive, demand everything speedingly, lack the patience to wait, have so many friends etc!_*

*Make every effort to let that marriage work and the Omniscient GOD shall help us sustain our union in marriage amen!"*



1). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect. Your husband need Respect to feel as the Head of his Home that he is.

2). Don't expose your husband's weaknesses to your family and friends. It will bounce back at you. You are each other's keeper.

3). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret them. Defensive women don't have a happy home.

4). Never compare your husband to other men, you've no idea what their life is all about. If you attack his Ego, his Love for you will diminish.

5). Never ill treat your husband's friends because you don't like them, the person who's supposed to get rid of them is your husband.Just explain to him your concerns or observations.

6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid or anyone else. Do your duties.

7). Never assign your housemaid or anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility.

8). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him.

9). Never be a wasteful wife, your husband's sweat is too precious to be wasted.

10). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband his right of having you.You must give it to him how he wants it. It's very important to Men, if you keep denying him, it is a matter of time,as you expose him to temptations  before another woman takes over that duty. No man can withstand on starvation for too long (even the anointed

11). Never compare your husband to your one time Ex-lover. Your home may Never recover from it if you do.

12). Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, only if he assigns u to,let him handle what is directed to him although he may answer for you in public opinion polls.

13). Never shout or challenge your husband,either in front of children or Visitors.  Wise Women don't do that.

14). Don't forget to check the smartness of your husband before he checks out.

15). Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband.

16). Never be in a hurry in the bathroom and on the dressing table. Good dressing &Good looking helps your husband have Good feeling. Out there your husband is always surrounded by women who took their time on their looks.

17). Your parents or family or friends do not have the final say in your marriage. Don't waste your time looking up to them for a final word. You must Leave if you want to Cleave.

18). Never base your love on monetary things. Will you still submit to him even if you earn more money than him?

19). Don't forget that husbands want attention and good listening , never be too busy for him. Good communication is the bed rock of every happy home.

20). If your idea worked better than his, never compare yourself to him. Its always a team work.

21). Don't be too judgmental to your husband. No man wants a Nagging wife.

22). A lazy wife is a careless wife. She doesn't even know that her body needs a bath & good perfume.
23). Does your husband like a kind of cooked food? Try to change your cooking. No man jokes with food.

24). Never be too demanding to your husband, enjoy every moment, &resources as it comes.

25). Make a glass of water the very first welcome to your husband and everyone entering your home. Sweetness of attitude is true beauty.

26). Don't associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage.

27). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is unacceptable.

28) A confrontational wife, can never keep a good husband and her home, she will be grooming irresponsible daughters without manners.

29) A woman who cannot manage her children, home and  husband is a complete failure in life no matter her achievements.

30) A wise woman honors her husband, and respect him, in turn the husband will cherish her and love her dearly - it will be natural. Husband is a beautiful gift from God, no woman can stay without a husband. No good man on earth can tolerate a confrontational and argumentative wife except they have lost their value and become less of a real man.

31). Fruit of the womb is a blessing from the Lord, love your children and teach them well.

32). You are never too old to influence your home. Never reduce your care for your family for any reason.

33). A prayerful wife is very wise and intelligent and she  is a  better equipped wife, pray always for your husband and family. Conquer all your challenges and problems with prayers, only Christ can solve our problems talk to Him together.

Friday, 24 March 2017


19 ways to fix your wife - when she is falling apart!

Your wife can be dying in silence while still performing her wifely duties.

 you will need to know her to know when she needs to be fixed.

When a woman is always moody, cries a lot, yells on Children, can't easily sleep or sleeps a lot, she may be battling with something you are not careful enough to see.

A real man will not allow his wife to fall apart without fixing her and making her better and happy.
If you discover your wife is falling apart, watch out and fix the following:

You might be her problem, but out of her respect and love for you, she may not tell you. Ask, let her talk sincerely

Get to know how her work load is killing her. Regardless of whether she stays at home or goes to work, do you know what she does all day? If you don’t, ask her. Her to-do list is probably overflowing with tasks that far outweighs her time and energy.

Be mindful of her needs and appreciative of her sacrifices. The work a woman does at home can be too common that nobody will appreciate her for them, this can be killing her. Appreciate your wife

Don’t just be appreciative, but get involved. The best time to begin helping your wife is now. Don’t wait until she breaks down to offer a helping hand.

Get all the machine needed for her work at home (the ones you can afford). Dish washer, gas cooker, refrigerator, oven, laundering Machine etc

Be totally involved at home, stop delegating parenting and family life. Don’t be a “visiting Professor”, be an active partner in this business of your life. It takes two to parent. It takes two to make a marriage work. It takes two to run a household. Be fully involved in every aspect of your family life.

Hold her like a lover and a friend. Place your hands on her shoulder, her laps, hold her hands, just hold her and let her feel you.

Men are known to be good talker when they do,but very bad listeners. At times what your wife needs is for you to just listen. Do not interrupt, let her unburden, let her talk. Sometimes the best way for a woman to reset is by getting all of her thoughts out. Let your wife talk through her feelings and problems. Show empathy. Listen carefully. Ask questions. Be fully engaged in the conversation.

Most men do fall into the “Teaching trap” when they are supposed to be a partner, showing love and consideration. There may be a time you may need to explain how better you know but don't be too official, Be friendly. Do not blame, just be there for her. Just listen. That’s all you need to do. And if she wants you to offer solutions, she’ll ask for them

No matter what happens, don’t ever raise up your hands in surrender. Giving up, crying or weeping will hurt your wife more. Encourage her. Let her know what you love about her. Help her see the good in any situation. Avoid being critical or negative. When she has hit the rock bottom, be the man who lifts her up, and brings light and hope back into her life.

Get to know her mood, get to know her needs, get to know what is needed to be done at home and do them without prompting
Learn the art of looking around the house and finding things that need to get done. Are there dishes in the sink? What is broken that needs to be fixed? Don’t wait to be asked. Just do it!

Take your time off to pray for her, hand her over to her maker who knows the deepest need of her heart . Let God fix her, you can’t do it
Let God know what you appreciate about her. Ask for his help. Ask him to tell you how you can be a better spouse to her. Ask him to comfort her and help her see herself as He sees her.

Don’t just pray for your wife, find time to pray with her, hug her as you pray together, hold her hands, just talk to your maker together.

Your wife knows what you can do to help her reset, so just ask her. She will open up to you, it may not be what you think, so don’t speculate, ask, She’ll appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Give a helping hand around the house. Give her a kitchen holiday for some days, do all the cooking or hire somebody to do it for both of you. Let her just sit, eat and rest, this may be all she needs,

Take her out, eat out, go to wherever she will love to go, not where you want, just follow her.

“Stop crying, are you a baby?, will you be crying about this little thing?”
This is what most rude husband will do when their wives cry, what an insensitive word. If she feels like crying, hold her to yourself and let her do the crying while you pat her on the back. It’s a great way to fix the problem.

Allow her to go on holiday all alone to herself, this can fix the problem as she returns with greater energy.

Let your wife be celebrated. Celebrate her in secret and in public. Talk about her beauty, motherhood, wifehood, support, thoughtfulness. This will make her day.

Let the men Manifest


Teaching children patience

‘For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.’
Hebrews 10:36 NKJV

Do these three things:
1) Don’t be Mr or Mrs Quick-Fix-It.
 Your kids need to learn to respond the right way to difficult conditions.
That means dealing with frustrations, not being rescued from them.
Overprotecting produces a sense of inadequacy and powerlessness in them. By quick-fixing everything, you’ll rear children who cannot handle life.
They’ll expect to be rescued from all trouble, and become overly dependent on others.
The Bible says, ‘Troubles make us more patient’ (Romans 5:3 ERV).
 Allow your children to experience age-appropriate challenges, and they will thank you later for the strengths and coping skills they’ve developed.
2) Prepare them to wait.
When you know in advance that your child will have to wait (for instance, in a doctor’s office or an airport), help them prepare for it.
‘Make the best use of your time’ (Ephesians 5:16 NLV).
 Have them pack items they enjoy. Because they chose the items, they’ll feel they invested in the process.
3) Keep a positive attitude.
 If you constantly complain while waiting in traffic, or for someone who’s late, your children will do the same.
 Instead, try saying, ‘This delay gives us time to tell each other about our day.’
Or, ‘Even when we feel frustrated about waiting, God’s timing is always perfect!’ Teach them God’s perspective on patience: ‘You see farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature, patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work.
Be patient like that.
Stay steady and strong’ (James 5:7 MSG
Plan to be my special guest as you join me to inaugurate FINANCIAL FREEDOM LIFE COACHING CLASS, this Saturday 4pm-5.30pm@Liberty KARU.Financial freedom is possible. Within your 1st 6months on this platform, you will testify.+2348096122477

Tuesday, 21 March 2017


There have been serious misconception about the issue of sex in marriage.Many folks got into marriage without adequate knowledge about this very important subject.
Because of wrong conception or ideology about what this beautiful ,exciting and enjoyable adventure is all about,many marriages are suffering serious set back,even at the verge of breakage. Many spouse in marriage feel sex is dirty,sinful,painful and boring and is only an avenue for procreation,is not tobe given total attention and because of this neglect and high level ignorant many couples,including so called Christians seek sexual satisfaction from their guard,house maids,drivers,collegues in office,even sort for the services of prostitutes.
Ignorant of sex education made a newly wedded couple to have sex in a wrong part of the body instead of the proper hole-vigina and they were busy expecting chilldren until it took the intervention of a marriage counsellor to show them the right part of the body to have sex.This happened when they decided to go for counselling.They never saw the need to read books or get sex education while they were single.
Another young lady who also got married newly,refused the husband to have sex with her because they taught in the church that sex is a sin before God.She even went to their Pastor to report the husband that "bro"has backsliden.The Pastor had to talk to this sister that sex in marriage is licenced by God.That sex out side the confines of marriage is a sin.
Sex is beautiful and must be enjoyed. Sex is ordained by God and must be enjoyed to the fullest within the confines of marriage only. While getting ready to marry is good to read about sex,ask question,get education from marriage counsellors for proper guidance,but you cannot practice sex outside marriage.
Some people say but we know we are getting married,so why don't we start doing it?
You will do it as many times as you want in the confines of marriage and keep getting better because practice makes perfect,when the right time comes.But have it at the back of your mind that you must enjoy sex with your spouse to the fullest without restrictions,conditions and unnecesary excuses.
An advise to the newly weds especially those married as virgins,don't rush your wife since she has not had sexual experience before.Spend time todo what is called foreplay.This is getting into deep romance,caressing of glitoris,fingering her vigina,fondling of her nipples gently,sucking her breast,kissing her tongue to tongue,speaking loving words to her ears,discover more of where she loves most tobe touched and she too must know where her man want her touches.Is a two can play this game fun.You will now discover that her vigina will become wet and easy to penitrate with your penis.Since she is going to have her first penitration of a penis into her vigina. It will be a little bit painful that is why the husband needed to spend quality time to arouse her sexuality so that she does not have a bad impression about sex in her first wedding night which can affect her sexual involvement all through her marital life.There is always a first time.Any body that is good in bed today started it in one day.So be ready to make up your mind to play along and enjoy sex in marriage.
God wired your body for sex.There is a reason why God created those attractive sensitive parts of woman of the woman's body:her breast,the nipples on the breast,her vigina,the glitoris for carressing,the suculent lips for kissing,and also the man's well body build up,the broad chest,the six pack well arranged on the stomach region,the bysect,etc.All these are God's beautiful handywork for His pleasure and our pleasure.


I have read so many articles in the past and  still read  from different fora highlighting the roles the woman plays in the home in order  to make her  marriage successful . Often times when I read such article , I begin  to wonder if it is only the woman's effort and  input that is needed to make the marriage work but thank God I came across an  article  today which i found very interesting. It is titled 24 point agenda  for  men  to practice to make their marriages  a success. To some men this agendas or points may not be new to  them because they are already practicing it and even more while to some , but to some men who are yet to imbibe and practice this agenda. Kindly start practicing it too.   Actually, for any  marriage to be successful , the  combined effort of both parties is needed  via the help of the Holy Spirit.  Here is  the 24-point agenda. Each point is to be digested for an hour. Happy reading


1. Speak gently and calmly to your wife. Never raise your voice at her, it demeans her and shows you think she is stupid.

2. NEVER expose your wife's weakness to your family or run to them whenever you have issues or anyone else cause it will come back to hunt you.

3. Never use intimidation, shout or violence to communicate your moods. Aggressive men don't make a happy home.

4. Don't compare your wife to other women. You don't know what their husbands are going through. If you attack her self esteem you will forever have a timid wiffy.

5. Don't forget that your wife married you to take care of her and the children not the reverse. Do your duties.

6. Never blame your wife if she doesn't take care of the home everyday. She is swamped with house work and helping you raise the kids.

7. Don't be wasteful spending money on drinks, friends and extended family. The wife and children are your first responsibility.

8. Sex is also important to women. Her pleasure should be considered before your own.

9. Never compare your wife to your ex girlfriends. If you loved them so much why didn't you marry them instead of your wife.

10. Don't always speak for your wife. She has her mouth. She is not a baby doll

11. Never shout down your wife or challenge her in front of the children. The children are watching. They won't listen and obey her too.

12. Don't forget to check the beauty of your wife before she steps out. You don't want her to embarrass you outside.

13. Your mother should not have the final say in the marriage. Let her talk in her own husbands house.

14. Don't forget that women also want attention and someone to share their thoughts with so never be too busy for your wife. Men don't like to talk much but good communication is the bedrock of every relationship.

15. If your idea worked better than hers. Never assume you are superior. It's still teamwork.

16. Don't be too judgmental of your wife. No woman likes a wahala husband.

17. A lazy man is a careless and dirty man. Keep your body neat. Shower and brush your teeth at night time. She will love you more.

18. Does your wife cook all the meals? You can volunteer to man the kitchen sometimes and cook a sumptuous meal. After all no man jokes with food.

19. Never be too demanding expecting a superwoman. Pitch in and help around the house too. You will still be the MAN.

20. Offer your wife a kiss and a snack when she returns home. Don't just ask for your food. After all, you were home and she was out. Sweetness of attitude is true beauty.

21. Don't associate with male friends who have the wrong idea of marriage. Don't be deceived their marriages are not perfect.

22. Fruit of the womb is a blessing. Love the children take an active part in raising them.

23. You are never too busy to have an influence in your home.

24. A prayerful man is a better equipped husband. Pray always for your wife and family. Don't leave the prayers to your wife.

 Send this to every man you know. You never know whose marriage you are about to save. And to every woman so that the man in their lives can be better guide.

Monday, 20 March 2017


Dear parents,
Please, carefully look into the list below to see where you may want to make amends on yourself or the young ones you are caring for.
Children, if not properly groomed may never get to the top in life, even if the parents are at the top of their career.
Manners take you to where your education can't irrespective of your status, money or the "who you know" factor.
1) Going to your child's school dressed indecently? Think again.
2) Speaking rashly to your child's teacher.
3) Cursing, using foul words or swearing in front of your children.
4) Using makeup on children.
5) Dressing indecently for children (they loose the sense of their princesshood).
6) Putting earrings on your son's ears.
7) Your child hold the cup or glassware by the brim and you don't correct.
8) Your children don't greet and you just feel they will come around one day because they have a mood swing. ( You will be blamed for it)
9) Your children eat with their mouth open and you feel they will grow up some day.
10) Your children bring home something you did not buy for them and you say nothing. ( that is the beginning of stealing)
11) They talk back at you and you conclude it's okay since you are a 21st century mummy. ( You will hate yourself if they do that outside and they are disciplined )
12) They interrupt when you are speaking with another adult and you think they are bold and clever. (Its really bad manners)
13) They exercise authority over their nanny and domestic staff and you let them be. ( that is bad parenting)
14) They say things like "my driver is on his way..."
I am not an advocate that children should call your domestic staff aunty or brother, calling them by name when they are not young people is not poise either. The use of Miss, Mr or Mrs will look good on them.
15) Your children don't say- 'Thank you' when they have been helped or served something and you are cool with that. (Bad parenting)
16) When your children cannot stand children who are less privileged.
18) When they pick their nose with their hands.
19) When they don't wash their hands after visiting the washroom.
20) When your children take something from the fridge without taking permission. (Bad parenting)
21) When your children don't knock on closed doors.
22) When your children don't collect from your hands the stuff you brought in as you walk in through the door.
23) When your children request for a bribe to carry out their home chores or extra task. (That is disgraceful )
24) When your children act like their grand parents irritate them.
25) When your children have not learnt to get up from the chair for the elderly or visitors to sit.
26) When your child tells a lot of lies. (You will both cry in the future)
27) When your child asks "who is that?" at a knock on your door instead of "please, who is there."
28) When your child is always seated by your visitors when being served drinks etc.
29) When your children still point their fingers at other people.
30) When your children play and jump around when prayers are going on.(age 4 above).                                   Dont be a 21st Century  parent who cannot correct a child. Train your child in the way of the Lord so that when he grows up he will not depart frm it.   IT IS BETTER TO LET YOUR CHILDREN  CRY AT AN EARLY AGE  WHEN YOU CORRECT THEM, IF NOT YOU WILL BOTH CRY AT NIGHT WHEN THEY BRING DISGRACE TO THE FAMILY WITH BAD AND TERRIBLE BEHAVIOURS
Pls circulate to all parents and grandparents that are on your contact list to assure us all a better future. God bless you.



“When I fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread, how many baskets of leftovers did you pick up afterward?" "Twelve," they said. Mark 8:19 NLT

Is poverty a curse that makes men mad?

Here’s a true story, as told me by a second hand witness. Two Nigerians ordered oversized plates of food they didn’t need from an expensive restaurant somewhere in Germany. The waiters thought these were unusual amounts of food but what the heck, if they were this hungry. Surprises awaited them.

Moments later, maybe to impress the white man, the men took just a few nibbles from their plates, shoved the food away and motioned the waiter for their bill.

“You have to finish the food, Sirs,” the bewildered waiter politely told them.

“No, we’re okay, no problem,” they answered, laughing.

“But you have to eat the food, you cannot throw this amount of food away” insisted the restaurateur.

The two men looked each other in the face, muttering, in Warri accent, “Shooooow?”

“Look” they said with rising temper, “the money is ours, not yours! We’re paying you for the food! What’s your problem?”

“We understand, Sirs,” said the restaurateur calmly, “But when you throw this food away, it is a spite on our people and our economy.

“You see, someone grew the tomatoes and vegetables, someone raised the cow and the fish, someone manufactured the oils and the other dozen ingredients, someone transported the ingredients to the grocery, someone cut the veggies, prepared the meal, served them, someone went to school to learn the best cooking there is, someone taught them, interviewed, employed them.

“You see, Sirs … it took the labor of love, knowledge and skills of thousands of our German people to serve you those two plates of food. It’s not about your money, it’s about the thousands of people who made it possible. It is a sin against our economy.”

While all this was going, one of the waiters had already called the police. Story short, they were forced to go with the take-away pack of the food they wanted thrown into the dustbin.

Listen, friends! To load up your plate from a buffet, and leave half of it uneaten is not a sign of big-manism. It’s a clinical symptom of poverty. Of mental illness.

What does poverty have to do with wastefulness? Everything! Some people are poor mostly because they are wasteful! The poor waste time, waste ideas, waste opportunities, waste talent, waste relationships, waste money!

Again, I read a story from my social feed the other day. One post-NYSC girl went to this other girl to beg for N50,000 to start a business. Meanwhile, she had N75,000 made up hair on her head! Of course the wiser one asked her, girl-to-girl, “Sister, your hair is N75k, how come you didn’t use the money to start your business?”

We do the same thing as a country. Senator Ben Bruce narrated how our government used N250,000,000.00 ($500,000) to build a gatehouse for the Vice President’s residence. I have been to the high and low places in America and the UK. There’s no place you’ll see a gatehouse built with $500,000. And yet, we want those countries to give us a loan - to build more gatehouses? Is poverty a curse?

That's why Nelson Mandela said, “Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice.” We can never cure poverty by giving the poor handouts, and giving graduates N5,000 a month. We must pull down the demonic “Nigerian system” that makes this place “a land that swallows its inhabitants.”

Wastefulness is immoral. God abhors the wasteful. We are stewards of God’s resources. He did not appoint us to waste His resources.
If you are wasteful, you are immoral. God abhors immorality.

Think about it for a moment. According to the United Nations, four people die of hunger every second! Aren’t you immoral when you leave uneaten food on your plate to be thrown away?

One in nine Indians, mostly children, will go to bed hungry today. India is 1.3 billion people - do the math. In our own back yard, according to the 2015 World Hunger Report, nearly 13 million Nigerians will go to bed hungry tonight. Today, if you count 10 people on the street, 2 or 3 likely haven’t had breakfast.

So, aren’t you immoral when your kitchen sink is half-filled with wasted breakfast cereals, milk, pap and fried eggs you and your obese children didn’t finish up? What you flush down your drains everyday could literally save dozens of lives from death by starvation.

In my house, you can eat as much as you want but don’t leave anything on the plate. My children learnt early that they’d better not throw food away. I recall the day I insisted that one of them eat the food he had thrown away from the dustbin!

Walter Chalmers Smith, Scottish minister, (1824-1908), God bless his resting soul, left us with the classic hymn, ‘Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise.’ This hymn always enriches my quiet times and meditations. The hymn is replete with lines that attempt to capture our Unknowable. If you struggle with knowing God, as I do, a regular dosage of this hymn is refreshing.

The second verse begins with:

Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting …

The God of the Universe does not want. Yet, He does not waste! He owns everything, but He wastes nothing. After He fed the 5,000, He instructed that the leftovers be picked up and accounted for. Not just for camp sanitation. I believe He gave the poor takeaway packs. Wow! He says that not one bird falls from the sky without His notice! Nor wanting, nor wasting!

I know a few billionaires and many millionaires, in dollars. I’m not talking about our political thieves; I mean real entrepreneurs. There are quite a few shocking truths about people who have created wealth through sheer entrepreneurial genius, persistence and hard work. One is their spiritual sensitivity. I have consulted for a billionaire who would not leave his house until he has prayed and praised God for at least 4 - 5 hours daily. Yes, daily!

The most shocking truth about these billionaires, perhaps, is their thriftiness. They never want but they don't waste. Like God Himself. They will not give you one cent if you do not convince them about the value you will create from it. Everything must be accounted for. They keep receipts. They weigh their financial decisions  meticulously.

Are you wasteful? For instance, do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you have not worn in 12 months? I heard a woman talk about clothes she has not worn in 3 - 4 years!

Or you’re a single guy, just graduated and got a job in the city. What did you rent a 3-bedroom flat for? Three bedrooms? And what are you doing inside a gas-guzzling SUV? Are you certain you can afford it now?

Do you leave the lights in your room on even when no one is there? That NEPA slams their crazy "estimated bill" on you is not an excuse for waste.

Foolish girl! You earn 50k a month but you have an 80k phone and  you just ordered an aso-ebi of N100k! Why won't you deserve poverty?

You keep looking for more money. Is it possible that the Shepherd of Psalm 23 has already provided but your wastefulness blinds you?

Do you know how much cash flow you can free up in your life if you adjusted your lifestyle of wastefulness? No man ever escaped poverty who didn’t learn the wisdom of thrift.

Do you ask God for long life? Good. How do you use your 24 daily hours? Can you account for the past 365 days? If you haven’t used 24 hours productively, why should He give you 24 years?

May God open our eyes to see the damage that our wastefulness inflicts on our destinies… and may we have the wisdom and humility to become like Jesus - nor wanting, nor wasting.

I love you. Be healthy, wealthy and wise!‎



1. There is nothing that threatens the security of a wife than the thought of another woman competing for the attention and affection of her husband. Nothing is more painful. Nothing is more disrespecting. Nothing is more insulting. Nothing is more belittling and degrading.

2. Marriage flourishes when the couple work together as a team; when both husband and wife decide that winning together is more important than keeping score.
Good marriages don't just happen. They are a product of hard work.

3. Your children are watching you and forming lasting opinions on love, commitment, and marriage based on what they see in you. Give them hope. Make them look forward to marriage.

4. Husbands: The reason why other women look attractive is because someone is taking good care of them. Grass is always green where it is watered. Instead of drooling over the green grass on the other side of the fence, work on yours and water it regularly. Any man can admire a beautiful woman, but it takes a true gentleman to make a woman admirable and beautiful.

5. When a husband puts his wife first above everyone and everything except God, it gives his wife the sense of security and honor that every wife hungers for.

6. A successful marriage doesn't require a big house, a perfect spouse, a million dollars or an expensive car. You can have all the above and still have a miserable marriage. A successful marriage requires honesty, undying commitment and selfless love and Jesus at the center of it all.

7. Pray for your spouse every day; in the morning, in the afternoon and at evening. Don’t wait until there is a problem. Don’t wait until there is an affair. Don’t wait until something bad happens. Don’t wait until your spouse is tempted. Shield your spouse with prayer and cover your marriage with the fence of prayer.

8. The people you surround yourself with have a lot of influence on your marriage. Friends and family, can build or break your marriage; choose them wisely.

9. One spouse cannot build a marriage alone when the other spouse is committed to destroying it. Marriage works when both husband and wife work together as a team to build their marriage.

10. Don't take your spouse for granted. Don't take advantage of your spouse's meekness and goodness. Don't mistake your spouse's loyalty for desperation. Don't misuse or abuse your spouse's trust. You may end up regretting after losing someone that meant so much to you.

11. Beware of marital advice from single people. Regardless of how sincere their advice may be, most of it is theoretical and not derived from real life experiences. If you really need Godly advice, seek it from God-fearing, impartial and prayerful mature couples whose resolve has been tested by time and shaped by trials.

12. Dear wife, Don't underestimate the power of the tongue on your marriage. The tongue has the power to crush your marriage or build it up. Don't let the Devil use your tongue to kill your spouse's image, self-confidence and aspirations. Let God use your tongue to build up your marriage and bless and praise your spouse.

Please, send this to as many couple as you know, love and care about...
Also send to singles to help prepare their minds for marriage. God bless you.


A particular friend sent a message to his friend thanking him for letting him use his wife.This message brought serious problem between this couple.So you mean you have been sleeping with my best friend,Andy the husband angrily querried.His wife was confused and dump founded.Trying to explain herself to her own husband that no such thing happen.Her husband found it difficult to believe his wife.There was a serious problem between the couple.On further investigation into the matter,Andy was contacted to explain his side of the story.
Andy was also confused that such an illicit affair never took place,so the question is what did you mean in your message.When Andy looked at his message again sent to his friend,it was a typographical error.
Andy wanted to spell WIFI but mistakenly spelt WIFE.Just one letter wrongly spelt brought a serious problem to this couple.
The question is, does it mean there was no trust in the first place?
Is dangerous to marry who don't trust.


You do not have to look too far these days to see eyes full of hurt and despondency in the people around us.

Many are depressed and seemingly hopeless.

Many are hungry with no food to eat.

Many are suicidal like the walking dead.

Many are pessimistic, negative and cynical.

Income constantly overwhelmed by Expenditure, yet the needs persist.

Prices of basic necessities are skyrocketing daily yet needs have to be met.

These are times to rally round one another.

Yes WE CAN do something,
Yes YOU CAN do something;

You can pray and pray fervently
You can give the gift of a smile
You can hug someone for 20 seconds at least
You can give the gift of a listening ear
You can cry alongside
You can give a lift in your car or bike or keke
You can share your life story
You can give a meal
You can send a message of encouragement
You can make that call
You can forgive that person and let them know
You can visit
You can just simply gaze into the eyes of a hurting soul
You can speak positive words
You can preach hope
You can give that 100 Naira. Don't think it's too little. It can buy "pure water".
Or JUST BE REAL. BE YOU. That means a lot to people.

Add to the list but whatever you do, please do something and alleviate someone's pain.

People may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.

Yes say it....I LOVE YOU
copied:Dr.Chichi Anyawu


There is this man who is married to a very hard working wife.She takes care of the home's expenditures,feeding,the children's school needs,the husband's personal needs and his pocket money.This husbandman sits at home in the name of he lost his job to enjoys free food,watch television,sleeps and have incessant sex with the house help who enioys what belongs to her madam,pretending before her madam that nothing is going on with the husband.The wife comes home most times late and very tired only tobe insulted and wrongly accused by her husband that she is hanging out late with men and sleeping around.This woman,his wife feels very disappointed and terrible that instead of the husband to support her,compliment her efforts,and better still  go out too in search of a job to assume his responsibility as the man of the house,he is sitting back at home making life uncomfortable for her. WHAT IS YOUR ADVISE TO THIS WOMAN?

Friday, 17 March 2017

Confussion in deciding this twins birthday

If a pregnant woman gives birth to two babies; the first one comes out at 11:54 PM of December 31st 2016, the second at 12:03 AM of January 1st 2017.

1. Are they twins?
2. Are they age mates?  
3. Which year will they claim?
4. In which year will they celebrate their birthday?

THANK YOU.          😀😀😀